October 27, 2016

Venom & Vanilla By: Shannon Mayer ARC DNF/MINI Review

Thank you to NetGalley for providing a free ebook copy of Venom & Vanilla By: Shannon Mayer in exchange for an honest review. 

Short Review Summary:
Not for me at all.

Well Venom & Vanilla is not what I was expecting, and not in a good way. I made it maybe about 60-70% through before I had to give up on it. I couldn't take it seriously! Some of the things that happened are too silly to be believable. I don't care for that at all.

Also, I found some parts to be a bit weird and there isn't enough world building to really support the weirdness. There isn't enough depth, venom, or action in the story for me and it didn't help that I did not like the brainless MC Alena. Part of that may have been her overuse of the term "super duper," which annoyed me to no end. Or perhaps it's how thanks to her supernatural change she's so beautiful now and has longer legs...blah blah. I'm really over supernatural changes making female characters go from plain to gorgeous, especially when it's done in a cheesy way. I have to admit that I'm pretty disappointed since I was looking forward to this one so much, but it just didn't do it for me.  

I can't personally recommend Venom & Vanilla, but if you like your urban fantasy books very vanilla then no harm in trying it!