October 6, 2016

A Life in Parts By: Bryan Cranston ARC Review

Thank you to Edelweiss for provding a free ebook copy of A Life in Parts By: Bryan Cranston in exchange for an honest review. 

Short Review Summary: 
I loved learning more about Cranston and his life. 

Breaking Bad is one of my all time favorite shows. I love the show a lot and personally I think that Bryan Cranston did a magnificent job in his role as Walter White. Also, Walter White is one of my all time favorite characters. I've seen Cranston in a few other roles, but I never really knew anything about him. So when I first saw that he had a memoir coming out I figured it would be interesting to find out more about the man who played such an iconic role.

The first chapter is terrific and I was hooked right away! I just love it when a book can grab you immediately. I enjoyed the look at Cranston's life growing up and how he got into the acting industry. I think that he had a really interesting upbringing. 

My only complaint is that the book is a little bit slow around the middle. Luckily this didn't last long and it got right back on track. My favorite part though is all of the Breaking bad information near the end where he talks about things from the show. I really enjoyed reading his thoughts and opinions about the show, specific scenes, and about acting and working with writers/producers/etc in general.  

Overall A Life in Parts is a memoir worth reading for sure. I definitely enjoyed this one and learning more about Cranston and his life. Now want to rewatch Breaking Bad!! 

I recommend A Life in Parts for Breaking Bad fans and anyone interested in a remarkable actor's life. 