September 11, 2016

Weekly Updates & Recommendations (9/5/16-9/11/16)

I don't have a lot of updates this week. The kids have been doing well at school and adjusting to being back and I'm adjusting to the new routines as well. Other than that, nothing that exciting has been happening besides getting my hair dyed (the roots) and taking my daughter to the dentist. I did have some issues this week dealing with stress and depression, but luckily it hasn't been too bad. I struggle with that and anxiety often so nothing new there. I did decide that on Monday I will start the keto diet. That will be difficult for me since it's so restrictive, but I'm hoping to lose some weight and be healthier! No other big news this week. :D 


Reading: The Perfect Girl By: Gilly MacMillan and You're Never Weird On The Internet By: Felicia Day.

Watching: I'm almost done with my Make it or Break it rewatch and I started the Netflix original series The Ranch. Pretty hilarious so far. 

Listening To: Lady Gaga's new single "Perfect Illusion." I'm not sure what I think yet. I HATED her last album and really I just might be done with her. Musically. I loved her on American Horror Story. 

AngelErin's A+ Cover Of The Week: 

(Click the cover to view on Goodreads)

AngelErin's Book Pick Of The Week: My Review To Come Soon

(Click the cover to view on Goodreads) 

For my recommendations this week I decided to recommend some FABULOUS bookstagrammers that I love. These people seriously have amazing Instagram pages and I'm always in shock when I see how great their pictures are! Click the links and see their wonderful photos yourself. :D 

That's it for this week's updates and recommendations! Nothing too crazy is going on this week, so that's always good. How was your week?