September 12, 2016

Music Monday- New Rock Tunes!

Music Monday is a weekly feature/meme hosted here at Always Me. The idea behind it is to share one or two songs that you have been enjoying lately. 

This week for me is all about new rock music! I have been listening to rock a lot lately, well I do LOVE rock, and here's a couple of new songs from bands I like!! 

1. Rotting In Vain By: Korn 

I have loved Korn ever since I saw the music video for "Freak on a Leash" and heard their music for the first time. However, their last couple of albums have been let downs. While this is no "Freak on a Leash" I am really enjoying this one and their other new single, "Insane." 


Digging deep inside of me
Getting past this agony
I can't seem to get away
Another day rotting in vain 

2. Show Me A Leader By: Alter Bridge 

Alter Bridge is a band that I really haven't listened to enough, but I love their music. I really like this new song and their other new one "My Champion." 


Show me a leader that won't compromise
Show me a leader so hope never dies
Show me a leader that knows what is right
Show me a leader so hope can survive
We need a hero this time 

That's it for this Music Monday!! What do you think of these songs? Do you like Korn or Alter Bridge? What's some good tunes that you've been listening to lately?