Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted here at The Broke and the Bookish. The topic this week is a freebie. So I've chosen to do Top Ten Books I've Recently Added On Goodreads That I'm Dying To Read! Yup, that's a long title. :x
I decided to do this topic because I'm always finding new books I want to read. Whether I find them on Goodreads, other blogs, in magazines, or wherever I am always adding books to my to read list. I want to read a lot of books. If you're reading this then I'm sure you can relate! My to-read shelf is insane, but here are the top ten that I've recently added that I'm DYING to read!
1. Confessions By: Kanae Minato
2. The Creeper Man By: Dawn Kurtagich
3. I'm Thinking of Ending Things By: Iain Reid
4. Moon Chosen By: P.C. Cast
5. The Architect of Song By: A.G. Howard
6. The Assassin Game By: Kirsty McKay
7. The Secrets of Lizzie Borden By: Brandy Purdy
8. The Lady in the Tower: The Fall of Anne Boleyn By: Alison Weir
9. Playing Dead By: Julia Heaberlin
10. Change Places With Me By: Lois Metzger
That's it for this week's Top Ten Tuesday! Have you read/want to read any of these books? What books have you recently added to your to-read list that you're dying to read?