Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted here at The Broke and the Bookish. The topic for this week is Top Ten Websites I Love That Aren't About Books.
I was a little iffy about the topic this week. I had a hard time thinking of websites that I visit that AREN'T book related. Mostly I just look at book websites and pay my bills. I'm boring like that, but here are the Top Ten Non Book Related Apps I Use on my phone or iPad. Well these are not FULLY used for book related things anyway.
1. Spotify
I literally listen to music ALL the time.
2. Neflix
My Netflix addiction is real. I could read even more if I stayed off Netflix.
3. Amazon
Yes, I look at books on here a lot. I also browse all sorts of other items as well. My wishlists are humongous.
4. Google
I don't know what I did before Google. I am always googling something.
5. Instagram
I post more than just book pics.
6. Pinterest
Mostly I'm browsing recipes since I get bored with the same meals easily.
7. Facebook
Facebook used to be my most used, but not so much anymore. Is it just me or has Facebook gotten a bit dull? Still I go check it though.
8. Twitter
I do more than talk about books on Twitter!
9. Snapchat
Snapchat is so weird. I love it.
10. Shazam
I am always shazaming songs so I can remember to add them to a Spotify playlist later.
Okay so that's it for my Top Ten Non Book Related Apps I Use! So... I feel like this was not my best TTT, but I didn't really care for the original topic either. Or last week's so I tried to stay close to the topic this week. I'm really an old fuddy duddy I suppose. I go online to look at book stuff, pay my bills, and then I have a few apps on my phone or iPad that I use a lot. What apps do you use all the time? I always like finding new apps, are there any I really need to check out?