When I first started reading You I was reminded of this movie called Maniac (there is also an older version that I haven't seen yet from the 80s) that I saw on Netflix with Elijah Wood. In that movie Elijah Wood's character is a killer and we see everything through his eyes. The way it was done visually with the camera angles and all that has stuck with me because it was very creepy and You does a similar thing in book form. You is told through Joe's POV and it's written almost like he's talking to or writing a letter to Beck. To me this is creepy, unique, and makes this an unforgettable book.
I hate to say it, but I actually kind of liked Joe. Almost in an antihero kind of way, but Joe definitely was not a hero in any way. Joe is not like Dexter out there killing people guilty of bad things, but you root for him any way. Even though Joe is an unreliable narrator you can still tell that Beck is a bit of a moron and not the best person herself. She drove me nuts actually, which may have been the author's intent. Either way even though Joe is a very bad dude I love that you still feel for him a bit. I also love how condescending and hilarious he was at times.
I also thought that the Stephen King references were great, of course being the SK nut that I am. :P I found this even more amusing since the copy of the book I have has a quote on the cover from SK praising You. Ha!
Overall I don't have a bad thing to say about You. The whole book was suspenseful and there was never a dull moment with Joe. The ending was perfect and while You may not be scary, in this day and age that makes stalking so easy, it sure did creep me out. Now I'm headed to go double check all of my social media and make sure my private stuff is still private and my public stuff is not too revealing. Eep.
I recommend You for fans of Maniac (the Elijah Wood movie I mentioned), Dexter, and any one that loves thrillers!
So after this whole review of how much I LOVED You I am going to tell you that I refuse to read Hidden Bodies. Shocking right? It seems that when a popular book comes out when you read it and like it people always tell you that you HAVE to read the sequel next. Sometimes I do, but sometimes I don't and I'm going to tell you why. First, here are a few of the books that I personally refuse to read any more of the series:
You By: Caroline Kepnes
Me Before You By: Jojo Moyes
Between the Lines By: Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer
The Giver By: Lois Lowry
Any book that is the same story told from the other main characters perspective.(Another Day By: David Levithan or Midnight Sun By: Stephenie Meyer (so glad that went unfinished!) are good examples here.)
The Fever Series By: Karen Marie Moning (I'm going to pretend this one ended at book 5 even though I read to book 7.)
Now here's why---
Sometimes I think that a book doesn't need a sequel. Or to keep going, and going, and going. Or to be told from another character's perspective. I really hate when I love a book and I read the sequel and it's bad. The bitter disappointment is too much for me (here's looking at you Go Set a Watchman) and so I've decided to free myself from it. At times I really do feel like some of these books are money making schemes only. Yet, time and time again I have bought into the hype (or basic peer pressure) to read a sequel to a book I didn't want a sequel to in the first place. So I'm no longer going to be reading sequels or continuing series that I don't want to read. If I do want to continue with a series then of course I will. I just wanted to put this out there because I want others like me to know that you don't have to keep reading these unwanted sequels if you don't want to!
As far as Hidden Bodies goes I personally think it leaves more of an impact how You ended and I don't want to know what Joe is up to next or if he ever gets caught or anything else. I think You ended perfectly for me and I have no desire to continue.
So here are my questions to you all: Do you ever feel pressure to read sequels to books that you like, even if you don't think the book needs a sequel? Even if the sequel sounds horrible? Do you read them any way? Are there books you refuse to read any more of the series? Which ones?