Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted here at The Broke and the Bookish. The topic for this week is Top Ten New To Me Favorite Authors I Read For The First Time In 2015.
This one is going to only be a Top 5 list for me. I had many new to me authors that I read this year, but I really only wanted to chose the ones that I read more than one book from. So here they are! :D
1.) Colleen Hoover-
The first book I picked up by Colleen Hoover was Ugly Love. After hearing so much about this author I really wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I devoured Ugly Love in about 1 1/2 days and then immediately wanted to read more from this author. Colleen Hoover's books are so addictive! Total this year I read 5 of Colleen Hoover's books and I can't wait to read her others. I read Ugly Love, Maybe Someday, Slammed, Hopeless, and Confess.
2.) Marissa Meyer-
So I was slow to get on the Lunar Chronicles train, but once I read Cinder, I was hooked on the series. I just finished Winter and I have to say it was also amazing. Marissa Meyer has definitely become one of my favorite authors.
3.) Nick Cutter-
The Troop was one of the very first books that I read in 2015 and it's become one of my favorites. I already can't wait to go back and re-read it. I also loved The Deep and I am so excited to see what else Nick Cutter comes out with. I still need to go buy The Acolyte so I can read it!
4.) Laini Taylor-
I don't think I could explain well enough just how much I love The Daughter of Smoke & Bone series. Before I started it I really wasn't sure what to expect from it. I didn't really understand what it was about, but I decided to read it on a recommendation from a friend. I really feel dumb for not having read it sooner. The whole series is fabulous and the ending of the last book left me breathless and emotional. I am still truly stunned at how well done this series is and I need to read more from Laini Taylor.
5.) Rainbow Rowell-
I read Eleanor & Park and Landline by Rainbow Rowell this year and I really regret that I didn't read these sooner. I also regret that I didn't get a chance to read any more of her books this year. I love what I have read by her so far and hopefully in 2016 I will get a chance to read more of her books because she is an amazing writer.
That's it for my list! I am so happy that I found so many great new authors in 2015. I can't wait to see what awesome authors I find in 2016. What authors would be on your list?