Thanks to Astra at A Stranger's Guide to Novels for creating this tag and thanks to Giovanna at Book Coma where I saw the tag posted. I'm going to keep this short and sweet due to the upcoming holiday, so let's get right into it!!
1.) Name a book that you would like to see under your Christmas tree.
I am REALLY hoping for The Bazaar of Bad Dreams. I am also really hoping to receive The Lux Series books by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Those are my top wish list books for sure!
2.) A book you'll be reading during the Christmas season.
I am trying to finish up Faefever and if I get that done then I will be starting The Passenger. I'm not sure how much I will actually get read though. Christmas is so crazy at my house with three kids!
3.) Favorite Christmas movie.
A Christmas Story for sure!! Followed closely by The Grinch, the cartoon one.
4.) Do you like snow?
Yes and no. I think snow is beautiful, but I don't like the cold. I don't like the hot either. Luckily I live in Texas so we really don't get any snow. When we do it's ice really and everything shuts down lol.
5.) Name a character you would like to spend your Christmas day with.
Celaena Sardothien!!
6.) To give or to receive?
I'll be honest, both are nice! Being able to give gifts gives me such joy (especially when for years I couldn't), but hey we all like to get things we want as well.
7.) What fictional place would you like to spend Christmas at?
Hogwarts of course!! It's so beautiful and duh, magical!
8.) Fondest Christmas memory?
Um... I'm just going to leave this here.
9.) Can you say Christmas tree ten times FAST in a row (pronouncing it correctly)?
NOPE. I can't. I'm horrible at these. I get all tongue twisted. Haha!
As always I nominate anyone who wants to do it and I would love to see your answers. <3

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