November 24, 2015

Obsidian By: Jennifer L. Armentrout Review


I LOVED Obsidian way more than I had expected to. I kept hearing so much about this author, but honestly the book summaries didn't sound THAT great to me. Then I saw on someone else's blog (sorry I don't remember which one) that this e-book was free to download from Amazon. I decided that since it was free I would download it and read it on the Kindle app on my iPad. I'm so damn glad that I did. I even read a lot of the last half of the book on my tiny cell phone screen in the car on the way to and back from a wedding. I was that hooked.

To start off the first thing that struck me about Obsidian is that it reminds me of Twilight, but with aliens and better writing. There is something in Jennifer L. Aremntrout's writing that is just magical. I loved the flow of the novel and the romance was so well done and fiery. Usually with the romance parts in novels I can't wait for the main characters to kiss or realize that they are in love, but with this one I just enjoyed the whole ride. The sexy, sarcastic, witty, and HOT ride. Which brings me to...


He is hot, hot, hot!! I can't resist a book with a bad boy jerk that really has a heart of gold and is the super protective type. Hello, new book boyfriend. Shhhh.... don't tell my husband. Who is probably reading this now and thinking that I am nutty. Lol!

Another thing that I really enjoyed about Obsidian was all of Katy's book blogger and general book nerdiness parts. I think my reasons for liking that are pretty obvious. ;) Also, I can't forget about Dee (Daemon's sister and Katy's friend), I loved her as well. I want a super sweet bestie like that. 

Overall I think that I have found a new favorite book. I literally don't have anything bad to say about it. I can't wait to read the rest of the series and try some more of Jennifer L. Armentrout's books.

I would recommend this to fans of Twilight, anyone who likes paranormal romance, and for anyone looking for a new ship to root for. Katy + Daemon = <3